Chess is renowned as a game of strategy that requires a player to refine their ability to anticipate many moves ahead and to anticipate the actions of their opponent. This is a skill that must be developed for a player to consistently increase their skill level at chess.
You will commonly hear a variety of methods that chess players will use to develop their skills at anticipating and predicting how a game will play out. Visualizing games in one’s mind is something that is often associated with this. Doing this makes sense when one remembers that chess is often viewed as a game that revolves around the concept of visualization. Considering this fact, an important question is raised.
Many players find these methods to be useful for their overall development in the game of chess. Some players also claim that they will replay famous chess games in their heads as a part of this mental development process.
Can You Learn to Play Chess in Your Head?
This is a question that players consistently want an answer to. The answer to this seems to clearly be yes, but it is highly dependent on the individual chess player. Many strong chess players can successfully play in their heads and they claim that it helps them to increase their skill level.
This is not a universal fact though and there are plenty of strong chess players who claim that playing in their heads is not something that they are particularly skilled at. It definitely seems to come down to the individual when it comes to this specific question. Super Grandmasters like Magnus Carlsen or any Grandmaster can play Chess with themselves or against anyone (even multiple people at the same time) just by visualizing the board in their minds with as much effort as it would take you or I to scroll through Instagram.
Do Chess Players Play Themselves?
Do you think playing a game of chess is one of the common ways that players will play the game in their heads. They often find that it helps them to develop their ability to concentrate and strategize. Many players also find that it helps them to improve at anticipating the moves of their opponent. Part of the behind this is the idea that there is no one who can predict your next move better than you can yourself.
When players engage in solo chess, they tend to take it slowly so that they can really concentrate on developing skills that will help them when they play against an opponent. Successful chess visualization includes building a strong understanding of what pieces your pieces see as well as the pieces seen by those of your opponent. Playing a mental game in one’s mind is one of the ways that this skill can be successfully developed for those that can do it effectively.
Is Blindfold Chess Useful?
Playing Chess Blindfolded is useful for many people who want to build their skillset improve at visualizing the game. It can be accomplished solo by playing against yourself, or it can be played against an opponent. Though it is called blindfold chess, the players are not usually blindfolded but instead face away from the chessboard. They then call out the moves that they wish to make.
There are also various chess apps and online games that make it possible to play blindfold chess. You can play blindfold chess on Just go to live chess, settings, board tab, and then the blindfold option which makes all of the pieces invisible.
Memorizing the squares of the chessboard, and more importantly, their colors are essential to successfully playing blindfold. You may have to reach a FIDE of over 2000 before you can instantly remember certain concepts like locating where the key squares are in an endgame. Other exercises that can help players learn and practice to play blindfold include attempting piece tours and memorizing a few of the basic elements of opening theory.
Understanding endgame theory is also important for success at blindfold chess and it can be practiced solo. When a player understands the patterns of endgame theory, they can play the positions against themselves in a solo scenario.
These are just a few of the ways that a player can build skills using the blindfold method. Many players attest that it helps them significantly with the visualization skills that are necessary for taking their games to the next level competitively.
If you think two people playing Chess just by visualizing sounds tough, imagine calculating how to solve Chess puzzles in your mind.