A chessboard is a grid of 8 by 8 squares. Each square on the chessboard has an identifying letter and number to mark its position, such as D4 and A1. These identifiers are used to write Chess notation. These squares alternate between dark in the first row, light in the second row, dark again in the third row and so on until you get to the eighth row and all of them are light.
Last Updated: May 28th, 2022
How Many Squares Are On A Chessboard?
A chessboard contains 64 squares (8 rows by 8 columns) which can be used to play a game of chess between two opposing teams. The board will have traditionally two different colors alternating in a checkered pattern, with each color containing 32 squares each.
In this article, we’ll go into why the chessboard was designed this way, and some of the best strategies to use the board to your advantage.
History of The Chessboard
Chess has been played for centuries. Chess was played by the Egyptians as early as 3100 BC, from paintings of games. The original chessboard was designed to play checkers, and different pieces for each of the four sides: King, Queen, Rook, and Knight.
According to The Code of Hammurabi it appears that in Babylon there was a type of game called Shatranj, which means “The King’s Game”. Which is appropriate since Chess is known as the Game of Kings. It consisted of 64 pebbles on a square board. These pebbles were used as pieces in a game to decide the fate of the kingdom. Originally, it was played by two players and each player had 8 pebbles.
It can be argued that chess has been played so frequently throughout history because of how strategically complex it is. As opposed to other games that rely on luck, grand strategy and planning is essential for success at chess.
Chessboard Design
Chess variants have been played for millennia and there are a multitude of different board designs. For the sake of simplicity, let us consider two characteristics that define a chessboard:
A chessboard consists of eight rows and eight columns that make up the 64 squares. The eight rows are grouped into two sets, dark and light. The eight columns are grouped into two sets, light and dark. Each square is either black or white in one of these two groups. Each square has a letter that corresponds to it. The columns are signified as letters (a through h), and the rows are signified as numbers (1 through 8), with individual board positions denoted by letter then number (ex: knight to a-5).
Tactics For Using The Chessboard
Mastering the way chessboards are designed can help you find new strategies to win. Remember that the board is divided into two sets of color pattern, dark and light. Also, keep in mind that it is divided by square color as well, black and white. It is vital to understand how each of these sections are placed so you can create a strategy along with your choices for your pieces to move on the board. With this information in mind you can begin planning a strategy and learn about new tactics for chess.
Some important tactics that utilize the chess board layout include:
Castling – A common way to establish a defensive position on the board, castle can be used due to its versatility and flexibility. It is possible for the king, as well as other pieces, to move into the seventh row of squares.
Endgame Placings – In an endgame position, chess pieces are usually very weak due to the lack of mobility and/or king power. With this possibility, you should have a good understanding on how to get the most out of your positional pieces as well as your other options when they become available.
Pawn Brilliancies – When you have many pawns it is possible for them to be very strong and useful pieces on the board. Brilliancies are strategy plays that involve capturing with pawns on the first or third rank.
Openings – Knowing how to create a powerful opening will help you as you learn how to surprise your opponent. This way, when you have the advantage on the board, it is possible to win.
For more information, read the complete guide to chess openings.
Advancements – It is important to study what moves are possible and understand everything about every piece on the board in order to build a solid defense or offense.
The Pawn Grab – This is a tactic that allows pawns on one side of the chessboard to advance up to two squares in a single turn. The pawn usually grabs another square diagonally adjacent to its original square.
How Are Chessboards Manufactured
A chessboard is manufactured by either creating it from a single piece of wood, or by gluing together wood pieces. These chessboard pieces can have different materials and designs for the dark and light sections of the board.
Some boards will have alternating stripes for the two colors while others may have squares made up of small pieces all of the same color or design. These chessboards are usually used in more formal settings where they are not regularly moved or handled.
Other materials that make up chessboards can include ebony, ivory, marble, metal, glass, and plastic. These materials are usually used for boards that may be more readily handled and/or moved. These boards can be made up of squares made of other materials, or they can just have a design printed on them.
As you can see there are a lot of different aspects and uses for a chessboard. Knowing how many squares are on the board, and how many potential ways you can interact with those squares will definitely help with your chess playing strategy.
There are many different factors that make up the design as well as what exactly is used to make the board. With this in mind, it is important to be mindful of how you use your chessboard and how you keep it in good condition for best results. It may also be important for you to become familiar with the different colors and materials used in manufacturing your own board in order to customize it better.