An amazing game was captured on the Tim Ferris Show in New York City Park. The New York Chess scene is one of the best in the country. It’s also where some of the best Chess hustlers are, playing outside hustling poor souls that don’t know how to stop blundering in Chess. Below is the PGN of the game.
The game took place at night time between Wilson the Hustler and Maurice Ashley. Unfortunately for Wilson the Hustler, he was unaware of who his opponent was, who is in fact a Grandmaster.
If Wilson the Hustler was successful in hustling Maurice on move 22, grabbing both Knights, while being recorded on a show with a massive audience, it would have made Chess history by being one of the best Chess moves ever played.
The short exchange after the game between the hustler and Maurice is priceless. Maurice casually shakes his hand while introducing himself as, “Maurice Ashley… Grandmaster”.
If you enjoyed going through this game, you might also be interested in other Chess games such as the Immortal Game, the Evergreen Game, and the Opera Game.