Emory Tate, father of Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate, earned the International Master title from FIDE and was popular in the chess community for his brilliant attacking strategies. He played a few games against the Super Grandmaster and Chess YouTuber, Hikaru Nakamura. The PGN for each game is below.
Chicago Open, Round 1 – May 22-25, 1998
Hikaru played against Emory on the Chicago Open in 1988. Hikaru was 2511 USCF rated, and just 12 years old.
Hikaru suggests there may have been 3-4 moves played after Bd6, perhaps Emory ran out of time. But Hikaru was victorious.
World Open – July 1st, 1999
The second game Hikaru played against Emory was in 1999 at the World Open at the Adam’s Mark Hotel.
World Open – Wednesday Action (Side Event)
Hikaru did win all of these games against Emory, but Emory did play well against a player who would grow up to be one of the best chess players in the world.