In the last list of the top players, we went over the best Russian Chess players, like Daniil Dubov and Garry Kasparov. Now we’re discussing the best Mexican Chess players.
Juan Carlos Gonzalez Zamora
Title: Grandmaster
Date of Birth: 1968
World ranking: 480
Rapid: 2496
Blitz: 2535
Classical (Std): 2532
Born in Cuba, Juan Carlos Gonzalez Zamora moved to Mexico and became the 4th Mexican Grandmaster in history with a current FIDE classical rating of 2532 with a peak rating of 2568.
Gilberto Hernandez Guerrero
Title: Grandmaster
Date of Birth: 1970
World ranking: 429
Rapid: 2536
Blitz: 2529
Classical (Std): 2564
Arguably the best Mexican Chess player ever, Gilberto Hernandez Guerrero is a Grandmaster with over 1,000 games you can find in the best Chess databases dating all the way back in 1983. Currently he holds the second highest ratings in Mexico after being the highest rated player for the majority of the 1990’s and 2000’s.
You can learn more about Gilberto from his website in the internet archive.
Luis Fernando Ibarra Chami
Title: Grandmaster
Date of Birth: 1989
World ranking: 1235
Rapid: 2434
Blitz: 2450
Classical (Std): 2411
Luis Fernando Ibarra Chami is a Chess Grandmaster, however since achieving the title, his FIDE ratings have fallen into the 2400’s. Still it’s an achievement the vast majority of Chess players could only dream of. For more information on FIDE and ratings, see the step-by-step guide on how to get a FIDE rating.
Manuel Leon Hoyos
Title: Grandmaster
Date of Birth: 1989
World ranking: 1054
Rapid: 2527
Blitz: 2540
Classical (Std): 2491
Manuel Leon Hoyos is a Grandmaster with a 2491 classical FIDE rating. After achieving the GM title at the age of 18, Hoyos was the first player from Mexico to break the 2600 FIDE rating in 2012 with a peak rating of 2603. One of his most frequently played openings with the Black pieces is the Sicilian Defense.
Learn more about Manuel’s Chess career on his website.
Juan Carlos Obregon Rivero
Title: Grandmaster
Date of Birth: 1989
World ranking: 492
Rapid: 2519
Blitz: 2516
Classical (Std): 2530
Juan Carlos Obregon Rivero currently holds a 2530 FIDE classical rating with a peak rating of 2560. There are 25 games of his that you can analyze and study. He also plays on and lichess. He’s active on lichess where he is also acceptiong students. Imagine learning how to get better at Chess from one of the best Grandmasters from Mexico.
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